Passion and determination are at our core.
Our mission is to create musical instruments that showcase the beauty of meticulously crafted products that inspire all musicians to passionately pursue their art. Our signature product, the RS427 guitar, was a passion project, born from the heart and talent of our founder, Patrick Sankuer.
Our built-to-order, handmade guitars are manufactured in Michigan by Sankuer Composite Technologies, the best composite solutions provider in the USA, delivering second-to-none custom composite fabrication services to the marine, automotive, and various other industries.

RS427 Guitar
The RS427 is a 100% Exposed Carbon Fiber Guitar, designed and built in the Motor City. This lightweight guitar will quickly become your go-to.
We know that true musicians want an instrument that’s specific to them. The RS427 comes stock with the best equipment you can get, but that’s just the beginning. Every guitar we make is built-to-order, which means you can customize it from top to bottom to express your unique style and sound.